--- title: "idiogramFISH: Shiny App. Idiograms with Marks and Karyotype Indices" author: "Fernando Roa, Mariana PC Telles" date: "22 08 2023" pkgdown: as_is: true output: rmdformats::readthedown: highlight: tango includes: in_header: myheader.html toc_depth: 2 number_sections: true pandoc_args: ["--lua-filter=refs/multiple-bibliographies.lua"] bibliography_normal: [refs/normal_noabs.bib] bibliography_software: [refs/software.bib] bibliography_docs: [refs/docs.bib] bibliography_shiny: [refs/shinyApp.bib] csl: refs/clima5.csl link-citations: yes resource_files: - ../pkgdown/myheader.html - ../man/figures/readme.svg - ../man/figures/cranmanualbookdown.svg - ../man/figures/develmanualvignette.svg - ../man/figures/develmanualpkgdown.svg - ../man/figures/manual.svg - ../man/figures/cranversion.svg - ../man/figures/archive.svg - ../man/figures/pkgdownver.svg - ../man/figures/shiny.jpg - ../man/figures/colab2.jpg - ../man/figures/colab-badge.svg - ../man/figures/GitHub-Mark-120px-plus.png - ../man/figures/kofi1.svg - ../man/figures/gitbadge.svg - ../man/figures/doibadge.svg - ../man/figures/logo.png - ../man/figures/logo2.png - ../man/figures/realdownloads.svg - ../man/figures/NEWS.svg - ../man/figures/circular.png - ../man/figures/dfOfChrSize.svg - ../onlinefigures/ggplot.svg - ../onlinefigures/nostoc.jpg - ../onlinefigures/nostocSmall.jpg - ../onlinefigures/firstplot2.png - ../onlinefigures/secondplot2.png - ../onlinefigures/thirdplot2.png - ../man/figures/ggplot.svg - ../man/figures/nostoc.jpg - ../man/figures/nostocSmall.jpg - ../man/figures/firstplot2.png - ../man/figures/secondplot2.png - ../man/figures/thirdplot2.png - firstplot.png - secondplot.png - thirdplot.png - firstplot2.png - secondplot2.png - thirdplot2.png - dfOfChrSize.svg - monoholoCS.png - climon.svg - dfOfChrSizeVector.png - bigdfChrSizeHolo.png - bigdfChrSizeHolo2.png - mydfChrSize2.png - refs/shinyApp.bib - refs/normal_noabs.bib - refs/software.bib - refs/docs.bib - refs/multiple-bibliographies.lua - js/jquery.min.js - js/clipboard.min.js - js/bootstrap.min.js - js/pkgdown2.js - css/mystyle.css - css/all.minMod.css - css/bootstrap.minO.css - css/fonts/fa-regular-400.svg - css/fonts/fa-regular-400.eot - css/fonts/fa-regular-400.ttf - css/fonts/fa-regular-400.woff - css/fonts/fa-regular-400.woff2 vignette: > %\VignetteIndexEntry{idiogramFISH: Shiny App. Idiograms with Marks and Karyotype Indices} %\VignetteEngine{knitr::rmarkdown} %\VignetteEncoding{UTF-8} --- ``` {r hide_chunk, results = "asis", echo = FALSE, message = FALSE, eval = TRUE} myfile <- "js/hideOutput.js" if (file.exists(myfile)) { cat(paste0('')) } ``` ``` {r cssjs, results = "asis", echo = FALSE, message = FALSE, eval = TRUE} myfile <- "js/jquery.min.js" if (file.exists(myfile)) { cat(paste0(' ')) } myfile <- "js/clipboard.min.js" if (file.exists(myfile)) { cat(paste0('')) } myfile <- "css/all.minMod.css" if (file.exists(myfile)) { cat(paste0('')) } myfile <- "css/bootstrap.minO.css" if (file.exists(myfile)) { cat(paste0('')) } myfile <- "js/bootstrap.min.js" if (file.exists(myfile)) { cat(paste0(' ')) } myfile <- "js/pkgdown2.js" if (file.exists(myfile)) { cat(paste0(' ')) } ``` ```{r setup, include = FALSE, eval = T} # Create myheader.html options(knitr.svg.object = TRUE) line1 <- '' line2 <- '' file <- "myheader.html" if (Sys.info()["sysname"] == "Windows") { # check internet response res <- !as.logical(system(paste("ping", "www.google.com"))) if (res) { write(line1, file = file) write(line2, file = file, append = TRUE) } } else { write(line1, file = file) write(line2, file = file, append = TRUE) } require(idiogramFISH) knitr::opts_chunk$set(eval = TRUE) pasteLinks <- function(link) { cat(paste0( "
Jupyter interactive version:

", '', paste0(readLines("../man/figures/colab-badge.svg"), collapse = ""), "", "    [Github](https://github.com/fernandoroa/IFjupyter/blob/main/", link, "){target='_blank'}   [Raw](https://github.com/fernandoroa/IFjupyter/raw/main/", link, "){target='_blank'}

" )) } ``` ``` {r, echo = F, message = FALSE, fig.show = "hold", fig.align = "default", results = "asis", eval = TRUE} if (requireNamespace("RCurl", quietly = TRUE)) { # version of manual v <- sub("Version: ", "", readLines("../DESCRIPTION")[3]) pkg <- "idiogramFISH" link <- tryCatch(suppressWarnings(badger::badge_custom("Documentation", paste(pkg, v), "cornflowerblue")), error = function(e) NA) if (!is.na(link)) { svglink <- gsub("\\[|\\]|!|\\(|\\)", "", link) manual_cont <- tryCatch(suppressWarnings(RCurl::getURLContent(svglink)), error = function(e) NA) if (!is.na(manual_cont)) { manual_contFile <- "../man/figures/manual.svg" writeLines(manual_cont, con = manual_contFile) manual_contFile <- normalizePath(manual_contFile) cat(paste0("")) } } } ``` # Introduction {-}
```{r, echo = F, results = "asis", eval = T} img1_path <- "../man/figures/logo.png" if (file.exists(img1_path)) { cat(paste0("")) } ```
The goal of idiogramFISH functions or the shiny-app is to plot karyotypes, plasmids and circular chr. having a set of data.frames for chromosome data and optionally marks' data [@Roa2021]. Karyotypes can also be plotted in concentric circles.

It is possible to calculate also chromosome and karyotype indexes [@Watanabe1999;@Zarco1986new] and classify chromosome morphology in the categories of Levan [-@Levan1964], and [Guerra](https://ferroao.gitlab.io/guerra1986/Guerra1986.pdf) [-@Guerra1986d].

Six styles of marks are available: `square` (and `squareLeft`), `dots`, `cM` (`cMLeft`), `cenStyle`, `upArrow` (`downArrow`), `exProtein` (`inProtein`) (in column `style` in `dfMarkColor` data.frame); its legend (label) (parameter `legend`) can be drawn `inline` or to the right (`aside`) of karyotypes. Three styles of centromere are available: `rounded`, `triangle` and `inProtein` (`cenFormat` parameter). Chromosome regions (column `chrRegion` in `dfMarkPos` data.frame) for monocentrics are `p` (short), `q` (long), `cen`, `pcen`, `qcen`. The last three cannot accommodate most mark styles, but can be colored. The region `w` (whole) can be used both in monocentrics and holocentrics. IdiogramFISH was written in R [@R-base] and also uses crayon [@R-crayon], tidyr [@R-tidyr], plyr [@plyr2011] and dplyr packages [@R-dplyr]. Documentation was written with R-packages roxygen2 [@R-roxygen2], usethis [@R-usethis], bookdown [@bookdown2016], knitr [@Xie2015], pkgdown [@R-pkgdown], Rmarkdown [@rmarkdown2018], rvcheck [@R-rvcheck], badger [@R-badger], kableExtra [@R-kableExtra], rmdformats [@R-rmdformats] and RCurl [@R-RCurl]. For some vignette figures, packages rentrez [@rentrez2017], phytools [@phytools2012], ggtree [@ggtree2018], ggplot2 [@ggplot22016] and ggpubr [@R-ggpubr] were used. In addition, the shiny app `runBoard()` uses shiny [@R-shiny], shinydashboard [@R-shinydashboard], rhandsontable [@R-rhandsontable], gtools [@R-gtools] and rclipboard [@R-rclipboard].
## Run the Shiny app with docker {-} - No need to install R - Install docker on your system - Make sure you can run a docker example image, i.e. ubuntu, in the console (system terminal) ``` docker pull fercyto/idiogramfish # Run the image docker run -d -p 8080:8080 fercyto/idiogramfish ``` In your internet browser go to [http://localhost:8080](http://localhost:8080){target='_blank'} ``` # Stop the container docker ps docker stop {container id} ``` ## Installation instructions {-} ``` {r, echo = F, message = FALSE, fig.show = "hold", fig.align = "default", results = "asis", eval = TRUE} if (requireNamespace("RCurl", quietly = TRUE)) { cranversion <- "https://www.r-pkg.org/badges/version/idiogramFISH" cranversion_cont <- tryCatch(suppressWarnings(RCurl::getURLContent(cranversion)), error = function(e) NA) if (!is.na(cranversion_cont)) { cranversion_contFile <- "../man/figures/cranversion.svg" writeLines(cranversion_cont, con = cranversion_contFile) cranversion_contFile <- normalizePath(cranversion_contFile) cat(paste0("[![CRAN repo](", knitr::include_graphics(cranversion_contFile), ")](https://CRAN.R-project.org/package=idiogramFISH)")) } doi_link <- tryCatch(suppressWarnings(badger::badge_custom("DOI", "10.5281/zenodo.3579417", "violet")), error = function(e) NA) if (!is.na(doi_link)) { doi_link <- gsub("\\[|\\]|!|\\(|\\)", "", doi_link) doibadge_cont <- tryCatch(suppressWarnings(RCurl::getURLContent(doi_link)), error = function(e) NA) if (!is.na(doibadge_cont)) { doibadge_contFile <- "../man/figures/doibadge.svg" writeLines(doibadge_cont, con = doibadge_contFile) doibadge_contFile <- normalizePath(doibadge_contFile) cat(paste0(" [![https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.3579417](", knitr::include_graphics(doibadge_contFile), ")](https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.3579417){target='_blank'}")) } } } ``` You can install idiogramFISH from [CRAN](https://cran.r-project.org/package = idiogramFISH) with: ``` r install.packages("idiogramFISH") ``` Windows users: To avoid installation of R-packages in OneDrive ``` .libPaths() # read library location .libPaths("D:R/lib") # set ``` To do that permanently: Search (magnifier) "environment variables" and set R_LIBS_USER to `D:\R\lib` (example) Other option: something in the line of [this link](https://answers.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/forum/all/removing-onedrive-from-default-filefolder-location/7d3c0dd0-3af5-414a-adf4-364dc28f3148?auth = 1)
## Releases {-} ``` {r, echo = F, message = FALSE, fig.show = "hold", fig.align = "default", results = "asis", eval = TRUE} if (requireNamespace("RCurl", quietly = TRUE)) { # cran version v <- "NEWS" # tryCatch(suppressWarnings(rvcheck::check_cran("idiogramFISH")$latest_version), error = function(e) NA ) link <- tryCatch(suppressWarnings(badger::badge_custom("gitlab", paste(v), "orange", "?logo=gitlab")), error = function(e) NA) if (!is.na(link)) { svglink <- gsub("\\[|\\]|!|\\(|\\)", "", link) news_cont <- tryCatch(suppressWarnings(RCurl::getURLContent(svglink)), error = function(e) NA) if (!is.na(news_cont)) { news_cont_contFile <- "../man/figures/NEWS.svg" writeLines(news_cont, con = news_cont_contFile) cat(paste0("[![NEWS](", knitr::include_graphics(news_cont_contFile), ")](https://gitlab.com/ferroao/idiogramFISH/blob/master/NEWS.md){target='_blank'}")) } } } ``` ``` {r, echo = F, message = FALSE, fig.show = "hold", fig.align = "default", results = "asis", eval = TRUE} if (requireNamespace("RCurl", quietly = TRUE)) { archivelink <- tryCatch(suppressWarnings(badger::badge_custom("CRAN", "archive", "gray")), error = function(e) NA) if (!is.na(archivelink)) { svgnewdownlink <- gsub("\\[|\\]|!|\\(|\\)", "", archivelink) archive_cont <- tryCatch(suppressWarnings(RCurl::getURLContent(svgnewdownlink)), error = function(e) NA) } if (!is.na(archive_cont)) { archive_contFile <- "../man/figures/archive.svg" writeLines(archive_cont, con = archive_contFile) cat(paste0("[![archive](", knitr::include_graphics(archive_contFile), ")](https://cran.r-project.org/src/contrib/Archive/idiogramFISH/){target='_blank'}")) } } ``` ``` {r, echo = F, message = FALSE, fig.show = "hold", fig.align = "default", results = "asis", eval = TRUE} if (requireNamespace("RCurl", quietly = TRUE)) { newdownlink <- tryCatch(suppressWarnings(badger::badge_custom("CRAN", "downloads", "green")), error = function(e) NA) if (!is.na(newdownlink)) { svgnewdownlink <- gsub("\\[|\\]|!|\\(|\\)", "", newdownlink) realdo_cont <- tryCatch(suppressWarnings(RCurl::getURLContent(svgnewdownlink)), error = function(e) NA) } if (!is.na(realdo_cont)) { realdo_contFile <- "../man/figures/realdownloads.svg" writeLines(realdo_cont, con = realdo_contFile) # message # link cat(paste0("[![downloads](", knitr::include_graphics(realdo_contFile), ")](https://ferroao.gitlab.io/idiogramfishhelppages/downloads.png){target='_blank'}")) } } ```
## Need help? {-} ### Manual in Bookdown style {-} ``` {r, echo = F, message = FALSE, fig.show = "hold", fig.align = "default", results = "asis", eval = TRUE} if (requireNamespace("RCurl", quietly = TRUE)) { # version of manual # cran version v <- tryCatch(suppressWarnings(rvcheck::check_cran("idiogramFISH")$latest_version), error = function(e) NA) if (is.na(v)) { # pkgdown rendering with rvcheck::check_cran fails, so, this is the code for rvcheck::check_cran check_release <- function(repo, pkg, msg) { installed_version <- tryCatch(packageVersion(pkg), error = function(e) NA) repos <- BiocManager::repositories() base_url <- repos[repo] n <- nchar(base_url) suffix <- substring(base_url, n, n) if (suffix != "/") { base_url <- paste0(base_url, "/") } if (repo == "CRAN") { url <- paste0(base_url, "web/packages/", pkg) } else if (repo == "BioCsoft") { url <- paste0(base_url, "html/", pkg, ".html") } x <- readLines(url) remote_version <- gsub("\\D+([\\.0-9-]+)\\D+", "\\1", x[grep("Version:{0,1}", x) + 1]) res <- list(package = pkg, installed_version = as.character(installed_version), latest_version = remote_version, up_to_date = NA) if (is.na(installed_version)) { message(paste("##", pkg, "is not installed...")) message(msg) } else { if (remote_version > installed_version) { message(paste("##", pkg, "is out of date...")) message(msg) res$up_to_date <- FALSE } else if (remote_version == installed_version) { message("package is up-to-date release version") res$up_to_date <- TRUE } else { message("devel branch is used, this function only works for release version...") } } return(res) } check_cran <- function(pkg) { msg <- paste("## try", paste0('install.packages("', pkg, '")'), sep = "\n") check_release("CRAN", pkg, msg) } v <- tryCatch(suppressWarnings(check_cran("idiogramFISH")$latest_version), error = function(e) NA) } pkg <- "idiogramFISH" link <- tryCatch(suppressWarnings(badger::badge_custom("bookdown", paste(pkg, v), "orange")), error = function(e) NA) if (!is.na(link)) { svglink <- gsub("\\[|\\]|!|\\(|\\)", "", link) manual_cont <- tryCatch(suppressWarnings(RCurl::getURLContent(svglink)), error = function(e) NA) if (!is.na(manual_cont)) { bookdown_contFile <- "../man/figures/cranmanualbookdown.svg" writeLines(manual_cont, con = bookdown_contFile) # manual_contFile <- normalizePath(manual_contFile) # knitr::include_graphics(manual_contFile) cat(paste0("[![https://ferroao.gitlab.io/manualidiogramfish](", knitr::include_graphics(bookdown_contFile), ")](https://ferroao.gitlab.io/manualidiogramfish/)")) } } } ``` ### Documentation in Pkgdown style {-} ``` {r, echo = F, message = FALSE, fig.show = "hold", fig.align = "default", results = "asis", eval = TRUE} if (requireNamespace("RCurl", quietly = TRUE)) { # version of manual # v<-sub("Version: ","",readLines("DESCRIPTION")[3]) v <- tryCatch(suppressWarnings(rvcheck:::check_github_gitlab("ferroao/idiogramFISH", "gitlab")$latest_version), error = function(e) NA) # cran version # v<-tryCatch(suppressWarnings(rvcheck::check_cran("idiogramFISH")$latest_version), error = function(e) NA ) pkg <- "idiogramFISH" pkglink <- tryCatch(suppressWarnings(badger::badge_custom("pkgdown", paste(pkg, v), "cornflowerblue")), error = function(e) NA) if (!is.na(pkglink)) { pkgsvglink <- gsub("\\[|\\]|!|\\(|\\)", "", pkglink) develpkgmanual_cont <- tryCatch(suppressWarnings(RCurl::getURLContent(pkgsvglink)), error = function(e) NA) if (!is.na(develpkgmanual_cont)) { pkgdownmanual_contFile <- "../man/figures/pkgdownver.svg" writeLines(develpkgmanual_cont, con = pkgdownmanual_contFile) cat(paste0("[![https://ferroao.gitlab.io/idiogramFISH/articles/index.html](", knitr::include_graphics(pkgdownmanual_contFile), " )](https://ferroao.gitlab.io/idiogramFISH/articles/index.html)")) } } } ``` ### Vignettes {-} Online: ``` {r, echo = F, message = FALSE, fig.show = "hold", fig.align = "default", results = "asis", eval = TRUE} if (requireNamespace("RCurl", quietly = TRUE)) { # version of manual v <- tryCatch(suppressWarnings(rvcheck:::check_github_gitlab("ferroao/idiogramFISH", "gitlab")$latest_version), error = function(e) NA) pkg <- "idiogramFISH" link <- tryCatch(suppressWarnings(badger::badge_custom("vignettes", paste(pkg, v), "cornflowerblue")), error = function(e) NA) if (!is.na(link)) { vignettelink <- gsub("\\[|\\]|!|\\(|\\)", "", link) vignettemanual_cont <- tryCatch(suppressWarnings(RCurl::getURLContent(vignettelink)), error = function(e) NA) if (!is.na(vignettemanual_cont)) { vignettemanual_contFile <- "../man/figures/develmanualvignette.svg" writeLines(vignettemanual_cont, con = vignettemanual_contFile) cat(paste0("[![https://ferroao.gitlab.io/idiogramfishhelppages](", knitr::include_graphics(vignettemanual_contFile), ")](https://ferroao.gitlab.io/idiogramfishhelppages)")) } } } ``` Launch vignettes from R for the installed version: ``` r library(idiogramFISH) packageVersion("idiogramFISH") browseVignettes("idiogramFISH") ```
## Citation {-} ```{r citation, echo = FALSE, comment = NA, results = 'asis'} print(citation("idiogramFISH"), bibtex = FALSE) ``` To write citation to file: ```{r, echo = TRUE, results = FALSE, eval = FALSE} sink("idiogramFISH.bib") toBibtex(citation("idiogramFISH")) sink() ```
## Authors {-} ```{r, echo = F, results = "asis", eval = T} img1_path <- "../man/figures/kofi1.png" img1_path <- normalizePath(img1_path) if (file.exists(img1_path)) { cat(paste0("[Fernando Roa](https://ferroao.gitlab.io/curriculumpu/){target='_blank'}  ")) } else { cat(paste0("[Fernando Roa](https://ferroao.gitlab.io/curriculumpu/){target='_blank'}")) } ``` ``` {r, echo = F, message = FALSE, fig.show = "hold", fig.align = "default", results = "asis", eval = FALSE} cat("Buy Me a Coffee at ko-fi.com") ``` [Mariana PC Telles](http://lattes.cnpq.br/4648436798023532) ```{r include = FALSE, eval = FALSE} # automatically create a bib database for R packages, this is currently not used by vignette refs/packages2.bib knitr::write_bib(c( .packages(), "bookdown", "knitr", "rmarkdown", "devtools", "pkgdown", "crayon", "ggtree", "ggplot2", "ggpubr", "phytools", "plyr", "dplyr", "tidyr", "rentrez" ), "refs/packages2.bib") ```
```{r, echo = F} chapterFile_jupyter <- "../parts/01-jupyter.Rmd" if (file.exists(chapterFile_jupyter)) { childExists_jupyter <- TRUE child_docs_jupyter <- chapterFile_jupyter } else { childExists_jupyter <- FALSE child_docs_jupyter <- "" } ``` ```{r, child = child_docs_jupyter, eval = childExists_jupyter} ``` ```{r, echo = F} chapterFile_first <- "../parts/02-first.Rmd" if (file.exists(chapterFile_first)) { childExists_first <- TRUE child_docs_first <- chapterFile_first } else { childExists_first <- FALSE child_docs_first <- "" } ``` ```{r, child = child_docs_first, eval = childExists_first} ``` ```{r, echo = F} chapterFile_minimal <- "../chaptersBLOCK/03-minimal.Rmd" if (file.exists(chapterFile_minimal)) { childExists_minimal <- TRUE child_docs_minimal <- chapterFile_minimal } else { childExists_minimal <- FALSE child_docs_minimal <- "" } ``` ```{r, child = child_docs_minimal, eval = childExists_minimal} ``` ```{r, results = "asis", eval=!childExists_minimal, echo = FALSE} cat("# Minimal Examples") ``` ```{r, results = "asis", eval=!childExists_minimal, echo = FALSE} cat("[https://ferroao.gitlab.io/idiogramfishhelppages](https://ferroao.gitlab.io/idiogramfishhelppages/#minimal-examples)") ``` ```{r , echo = FALSE, results = "asis", message = FALSE, eval=!childExists_minimal, comment = NA} note <- "03-minimal.ipynb" pasteLinks(note) ``` ```{r, echo = F} chapterFile_plotting <- "../chaptersBLOCK/04-plotting.Rmd" if (file.exists(chapterFile_plotting)) { childExists_plotting <- TRUE child_docs_plotting <- chapterFile_plotting } else { childExists_plotting <- FALSE child_docs_plotting <- "" } ``` ```{r, child = child_docs_plotting, eval = childExists_plotting} ``` ```{r, results = "asis", eval=!childExists_plotting, echo = FALSE} cat("# Plotting chromosomes") ``` ```{r, results = "asis", eval=!childExists_plotting, echo = FALSE} cat("[https://ferroao.gitlab.io/idiogramfishhelppages](https://ferroao.gitlab.io/idiogramfishhelppages/#plotting-chromosomes)") ``` ```{r , echo = FALSE, results = "asis", message = FALSE, eval=!childExists_plotting, comment = NA} note <- "04-plotting.ipynb" pasteLinks(note) ``` ```{r, echo = F} chapterFile_multiple <- "../chaptersBLOCK/05-multiple.Rmd" if (file.exists(chapterFile_multiple)) { childExists_multiple <- TRUE child_docs_multiple <- chapterFile_multiple } else { childExists_multiple <- FALSE child_docs_multiple <- "" } ``` ```{r, child = child_docs_multiple, eval = childExists_multiple} ``` ```{r, results = "asis", eval=!childExists_multiple, echo = FALSE} cat("# Several OTUs") ``` ```{r, results = "asis", eval=!childExists_multiple, echo = FALSE} cat("[https://ferroao.gitlab.io/idiogramfishhelppages](https://ferroao.gitlab.io/idiogramfishhelppages/#multiple-otus)") ``` ```{r , echo = FALSE, results = "asis", message = FALSE, eval=!childExists_multiple, comment = NA} note <- "05-multiple.ipynb" pasteLinks(note) ``` ```{r, echo = F} chapterFile_units <- "../chaptersBLOCK/06-units.Rmd" if (file.exists(chapterFile_units)) { childExists_units <- TRUE child_docs_units <- chapterFile_units } else { childExists_units <- FALSE child_docs_units <- "" } ``` ```{r, child = child_docs_units, eval = childExists_units} ``` ```{r, results = "asis", eval=!childExists_units, echo = FALSE} cat("# Changing Units") ``` ```{r, results = "asis", eval=!childExists_units, echo = FALSE} cat("[https://ferroao.gitlab.io/idiogramfishhelppages](https://ferroao.gitlab.io/idiogramfishhelppages/#changing-units)") ``` ```{r , echo = FALSE, results = "asis", message = FALSE, eval=!childExists_units, comment = NA} note <- "06-units.ipynb" pasteLinks(note) ``` ```{r, echo = F} chapterFile0 <- "../chaptersBLOCK/07-gish.Rmd" if (file.exists(chapterFile0)) { childExists0 <- TRUE child_docs0 <- chapterFile0 } else { childExists0 <- FALSE child_docs0 <- "" } ``` ```{r, child = child_docs0, eval = childExists0} ``` ```{r, results = "asis", eval=!childExists0, echo = FALSE} cat("# GISH") ``` ```{r, results = "asis", eval=!childExists0, echo = FALSE} cat("[https://ferroao.gitlab.io/idiogramfishhelppages](https://ferroao.gitlab.io/idiogramfishhelppages/#gish)") ``` ```{r , echo = FALSE, results = "asis", message = FALSE, eval=!childExists0, comment = NA} note <- "07-gish.ipynb" pasteLinks(note) ``` ```{r, echo = F} chapterFile1 <- "../chaptersBLOCK/08-groups.Rmd" if (file.exists(chapterFile1)) { childExists1 <- TRUE child_docs1 <- chapterFile1 } else { childExists1 <- FALSE child_docs1 <- "" } ``` ```{r, child = child_docs1, eval = childExists1} ``` ```{r, results = "asis", eval=!childExists1, echo = FALSE} cat("# Using groups") ``` ```{r, results = "asis", eval=!childExists1, echo = FALSE} cat("[https://ferroao.gitlab.io/idiogramfishhelppages](https://ferroao.gitlab.io/idiogramfishhelppages/#groups)") ``` ```{r , echo = FALSE, results = "asis", message = FALSE, eval=!childExists1, comment = NA} note <- "08-groups.ipynb" pasteLinks(note) ``` ```{r, echo = F} chapterFile2 <- "../chaptersBLOCK/09-circular.Rmd" if (file.exists(chapterFile2)) { childExists2 <- TRUE child_docs2 <- chapterFile2 } else { childExists2 <- FALSE child_docs2 <- "" } ``` ```{r, child = child_docs2, eval = childExists2} ``` ```{r, results = "asis", eval=!childExists2, echo = FALSE} cat("# Circular plots") ``` ```{r, results = "asis", eval=!childExists2, echo = FALSE} cat("[https://ferroao.gitlab.io/idiogramfishhelppages](https://ferroao.gitlab.io/idiogramfishhelppages/#circular-plots)") ``` ```{r , echo = FALSE, results = "asis", message = FALSE, eval=!childExists2, comment = NA} note <- "09-circular.ipynb" pasteLinks(note) ``` ```{r, echo = F} chapterFile3 <- "../chaptersBLOCK/10-phylogeny.Rmd" if (file.exists(chapterFile3)) { childExists3 <- TRUE child_docs3 <- chapterFile3 } else { childExists3 <- FALSE child_docs3 <- "" } ``` ```{r, child = child_docs3, eval = childExists3} ``` ```{r, results = "asis", eval=!childExists3, echo = FALSE} cat("# Plotting alongside phylogeny") ``` ```{r, results = "asis", eval=!childExists3, echo = FALSE} cat("[https://ferroao.gitlab.io/idiogramfishhelppages](https://ferroao.gitlab.io/idiogramfishhelppages/#plotting-alongside-phylogeny)") ``` ```{r , echo = FALSE, results = "asis", message = FALSE, eval=!childExists3, comment = NA} note <- "10-phylogeny.ipynb" pasteLinks(note) ``` ```{r, echo = F} chapterFile <- "../chaptersBLOCK/11-citrushelp.Rmd" if (file.exists(chapterFile)) { childExists <- TRUE child_docs <- chapterFile } else { childExists <- FALSE child_docs <- "" } ``` ```{r, child = child_docs, eval = childExists} ``` ```{r, results = "asis", eval=!childExists, echo = FALSE} cat("# *Citrus*") ``` ```{r, results = "asis", eval=!childExists, echo = FALSE} cat("[https://ferroao.gitlab.io/idiogramfishhelppages](https://ferroao.gitlab.io/idiogramfishhelppages/#citrus)") ``` ```{r , echo = FALSE, results = "asis", message = FALSE, eval=!childExists, comment = NA} note <- "11-citrushelp.ipynb" pasteLinks(note) ``` ```{r, echo = F} chapterFile4 <- "../chaptersBLOCK/12-human.Rmd" if (file.exists(chapterFile4)) { childExists4 <- TRUE child_docs4 <- chapterFile4 } else { childExists4 <- FALSE child_docs4 <- "" } ``` ```{r, child = child_docs4, eval = childExists4} ``` ```{r, results = "asis", eval=!childExists4, echo = FALSE} cat("# Human karyotype") ``` ```{r, results = "asis", eval=!childExists4, echo = FALSE} cat("[https://ferroao.gitlab.io/idiogramfishhelppages](https://ferroao.gitlab.io/idiogramfishhelppages/#human-karyotype)") ``` ```{r , echo = FALSE, results = "asis", message = FALSE, eval=!childExists4, comment = NA} note <- "12-human.ipynb" pasteLinks(note) ``` ```{r, echo = F} chapterFile_param <- "../chaptersBLOCK/13-functions.Rmd" if (file.exists(chapterFile_param)) { childExists_param <- TRUE child_docs_param <- chapterFile_param } else { childExists_param <- FALSE child_docs_param <- "" } ``` ```{r, child = child_docs_param, eval = childExists_param} ``` ```{r, results = "asis", eval=!childExists_param, echo = FALSE} cat("# Functions") ``` ```{r, results = "asis", eval=!childExists_param, echo = FALSE} cat("[https://ferroao.gitlab.io/idiogramfishhelppages](https://ferroao.gitlab.io/idiogramfishhelppages/#functions)") ``` ```{r, echo = F} chapterFile_data <- "../chaptersBLOCK/14-datasets.Rmd" if (file.exists(chapterFile_data)) { childExists_data <- TRUE child_docs_data <- chapterFile_data } else { childExists_data <- FALSE child_docs_data <- "" } ``` ```{r, child = child_docs_data, eval = childExists_data} ``` ```{r, results = "asis", eval=!childExists_data, echo = FALSE} cat("# Datasets") ``` ```{r, results = "asis", eval=!childExists_data, echo = FALSE} cat("[https://ferroao.gitlab.io/idiogramfishhelppages](https://ferroao.gitlab.io/idiogramfishhelppages/#datasets)") ``` ```{r, echo = F} chapterFile_news <- "../chaptersBLOCK/15-news.Rmd" if (file.exists(chapterFile_news)) { childExists_news <- TRUE child_docs_news <- chapterFile_news } else { childExists_news <- FALSE child_docs_news <- "" } ``` ```{r, child = child_docs_news, eval = childExists_news} ``` ```{r, results = "asis", eval=!childExists_news, echo = FALSE} cat("# News {-}") ``` ```{r, results = "asis", eval=!childExists_news, echo = FALSE} cat("[https://ferroao.gitlab.io/idiogramfishhelppages](https://ferroao.gitlab.io/idiogramfishhelppages/#news)") ``` # References {-} ::: {#refs_normal} ::: ## R-packages {-} ::: {#refs_software} ::: ## Shiny App {-} ::: {#refs_shiny} ::: ## Documentation {-} ::: {#refs_docs} :::